G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

What is the ultimate expression of love?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God


Power Unlimited

“Incline your ear unto Me. For I am who I Am and there is none like unto Me. I have created all that you see and feel. I have created the invisible world and all that is in it. I am even now continuing to create and will for eternity. My servants do not have the least comprehension of Me. For My magnificence and glory surpass even the wildest of estimates. Some who feel My power is limited are mistaken. I have limited power for there is no power in existence, except that which I have given. Therefore, all powers are subject unto Me and are controlled by Me. Think it not strange that I can even talk with My children - one as great and powerful as I. Fear not, for I can do all, be all, and perform all necessary to be all things to all people.”

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

In this world we live in where the predominate desire in evil men’s minds is to seek power. No matter how much evil men seek after and attain control over the lives of others. No matter how many lives they trample on to attain this dominance over others. They seek it in vain. For all the power in the universe lies in the hand of God.

Our current world situation is that we have many individuals who seek to conquer the weak with their ideas and agendas, many of which originate in the depths of hell . Their ideology is, in their distorted and deceived mind, is to sway them away from God to things of the dark world. They have been convinced, and indoctrinated to actually believe the deceptive doctrines of the evil one

Power Unlimited

Selected Excerpts from the to be published book,
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

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God (Jehovah) is the One who will ever be present in us. For He is able to keep us and protect us in all circumstances. He is our rock and shield. There will be nothing come against us of which He is not aware. So fear not to be bold in the face of any evil entity that would oppress and attack us.

Jehovah is full of mercy and compassion for us and ours - full of love and faith for His chosen ones - full of all that is good for those who seek Him with an honest and pure heart. He is completely committed to the well being of His own. Let no one ever lead you away from Him.

Believe God’s promise that He has secured us into his family and will never forsake or turn us away.

“In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,” Ephesians 1:13

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