G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

What benefits do we receive from our God who is a merciful God?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God



It has been My desire to call all men to Me, even though none are deserving of the call. I have given each man opportunity for eternal life; because My love is great and My heart desires to have his companionship. I am greatly to be praised for My love and for My expression of love through Jesus, My one and only Son. He came to earth to redeem all mankind; yet, few have responded to My overture of kindness and mercy. I am a merciful God. I am full of compassion; but I am also full of wrath for those who displease Me by rejecting My Son and who turn My love into something evil.

Yes, the day of rejoicing is coming soon. Do not fear or doubt for your salvation is sure, I have written your name in the Lamb’s Book of Life and no one can take it away. Praise Me for My MERCY; without it your life would not have been worth living. With it, you shall have joy and peace and happiness unsurpassed in all the ages. I have been MERCIFUL because I am a MERCIFUL God. My rights and powers are unlimited; and I am above all. Praise Me. Don’t fail to praise Me even in times of trouble and distress. Teach My children to do the same. Think about how great My MERCY has been. And the wonderful gifts I have given to My children. Think about the world and its beauty. Is there any to surpass it? I will have to tell you that there is; but your minds could not comprehend its beauty. I give to My children only that which they can comprehend. Few have seen all that I have created nor ever will; but what I create and give is for their enjoyment and pleasure.

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r


Our God is a merciful God.

In our daily life, do we ever consider this aspect of God to be important? We tend to give a ‘Oh Hum’ and go about our daily tasks. Do we ever think about our God as being a Merciful God? Do we even consider the benefits we receive because He is Merciful?

It is God’s Mercy that gives us the opportunity to receive Eternal Life. We don’t deserve it; but because one of God’s attributes is that He is a Merciful God, we can have the expectation of life eternal.

With that expectation, the coming of His Son, and our acceptance of Him, we receive the assurance of salvation (life eternal). With that salvation our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Do we realize that because of God’s mercy our life is worth living?

We need to ask ourselves, are we walking as though we have received all the benefits of His mercy? Do we have joy, peace, and happiness in our daily walk? Do we think daily about the many gifts He has given.

As a result of God’s unfathomable mercy extended to us, do we try to live a Life of Praise directed towards how merciful He has been? Do we often consider that His mercy has made the life we have to be worth living?

Selected Excerpts from the to be published book,
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

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What God had spoken seemed to be unattainable, yet I knew there was an answer. I wanted to know what that answer was. Then I heard God speak. He said,

“My son, I am Jehovah God and should be praised night and day. Praise Me when you get up and when you go to bed. Praise Me when you eat and when you fast. Praise Me minute by minute. Praise Me in all circumstances. Continue to praise even when you have no reason to praise. Lift up your hands and heart unto Me in praise and adoration. Lift up your voice in song. Praise Me as I deserve all praise and don't neglect Me for a minute.”

After God finished speaking, I was more perplexed than before. I wondered, “How can I function on my job in an attitude of praise if I have to block out all outside distractions? How can I fill up every minute of every day aware enough of Him to praise and still interrelate with other people?”

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