G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

What is the ultimate expression of love?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God


Father Jesus

Hear this from Me this day. I am great and powerful and mighty to behold. I have all things under control and shall not allow the evil one to hinder or obstruct. I am both blessed and merciful. I am both righteous and correct in all My ways. I am both true and faithful. I am pure and mighty. I am true certainly to all I have said and in all that I will do. For I am perfect and need to be trusted to do all things righteously, truthfully, and correct in all My ways.

Father Jesus

“Jesus has come in the flesh. His coming was like no other in all of history, nor will there ever be one like His. For it was unique and My power was the cause of its uniqueness. Listen for My Son’s call and voice for they are the same and they give life to those who will respond. His voice calls to them daily awaiting their response to His life and His death and His life. All who respond are blessed. All who do not heed His call are not blessed unless they change. “

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

Is it possible to describe Our Father in Heaven more completely than what the Father has said above? His description is complete and true. He has not embellished his depiction of Himself or enhanced His image. Yes, He is perfect in all his ways. And that is the Truth.

In His description of His Son, The Father did not describe Him or deal with the details of His ministry. He simply described the purpose for which He sent Him into the world. To save the lost.

Father Jesus

Selected Excerpts from the to be published book,
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

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As if in answer to my question, God spoke saying,

“My son you can praise Me in your obedience, in your service, in your love, in your singing, and in your praying. There are many ways in which you can praise Me. Each way pleases Me as long as it comes from an honest and pure heart.

“Watch and listen, for what you shall now see and hear will give you understanding.”

Then it happened. I have no explanation for it, except God was opening my eyes and ears to two separate realms simultaneously - the physical and a portion of the spiritual.

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