G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

Can there be anything greater than LOVE?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God


“Love is the greatest thing you can possess. It is out of love that all good comes. It is from love that My Son came to mankind. It is from love that My Son gave Himself on the cross. Love that is from Me is all encompassing and only desires the best for My creation, even though it is not deserving. Mercy comes from love. And mercy can be only given by one whose heart is touched by the hand of love.”

What should we do with the love God places in our heart?

God's Love

“I (Jehovah) have need of no thing for I have made all things. I desire your love to Me for I know it will be good for you. My love for you cannot be quenched. My love is greater than you can comprehend. Live in My love. Absorb it like the sunshine. Don’t let it run off like the rain. Take it in as though it was precious as gold. This can be done by a soft and yielding heart. Take My word for this; for it is truth. For truth is what is needed in this world today. Truth can open the hearts of many and My Spirit has been sent to reveal this to you.”

God's Love

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,” John. 3:16

God's Love

When God speaks He speaks to the whole world. He speaks to every man, woman, and child about His love for them. Everyone receives His love through Jesus and the Holy Spirit who is the expression of God’s Love in the form of a DOVE.

“because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us”. Romans 5:5.

God’s desire is that we live in that love and absorb it into the very essence of our being - even possess it as it were our own. God’s primary objective of giving satan power on the earth was to give man a choice - a choice between Him and satan. Therefore, mankind has been given the opportunity to choose between serving God (the Creator) or serving the one who opposes Him (satan).

God wants man to freely love Him and serve Him with an honest and pure heart. Therefore, man needs to make a choice to follow God and His ways or satan and his dark forces.

Man must come to God by making a clear choice for God and that which is opposed to Him. Even now it is satan and everyone on earth has that choice.

Selected Excerpts from the soon to be published book
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

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During this time God was speaking, I sensed an extraordinary love emanating from His words which I had not previously perceived. Love flowed from every word about His Son. Every phrase sang out encouragement for men to praise Jesus for His unsurpassed achievement of saving them from their sins.

“There is none other like My Son Jesus. He is everlasting as I am everlasting, and His power and might will be seen forever.

“From the depths of the sea to the highest mountains, His accomplishments are ever to be praised by all that has been created - for He has created all there is, and nothing exists that He has not created - for He was with Me and In Me in the beginning and will be with and in Me for eternity.

“Lift up My Son to be equal with Me in all things. He is to be praised for He is Powerful and Mighty, like as I AM. There is no one to be His equal. His power extends to the limits of the universe and beyond.”

While God was speaking, it seemed He was allowing me to experience a portion of the relationship existing between Father and Son. It would be impossible to describe what I felt. I recognized there was a simultaneous oneness, and yet there was an individuality existing with them. An equality of being was present which defies explanation or understanding. Within that relationship, I sensed deep satisfaction and pleasure with Jesus for His accomplishments. Coexisting, there was humility and an intense desire to obey the Father. Sensations of love, approval, and acceptance seemed to permeate the relationship.

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