G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

The ROAD to Eternal Life cannot be seen, but is very Real.

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God

Fear not the evil one for he is the devil - the incarnate evil one. He has mastery over the earth as I permit it. Fear of Him is a sin - a sin you do not have to participate in. Fear is for those who do not know Jesus. He is incarnate also. Fear is not for My little ones. No, they should have no fear of him, satan.

Have you ever walked a road that has no end? That is the road you take when you come to My Son. The road never ends.It extends into eternity. Walk the road to eternity. It is for you and all yours. Fear not the road. Walk the road for at the end, there is no end - it goes on for ever into eternity. Watch every step to make sure you stay on the road for the evil one isthere waiting for you to stumble and fall off the road.

The Road to Eternal Life

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

Since we live in a corrupt world filled with evil forces, we can only see what is before us. We can only see the physical world that we live in. We cannot see into the spirit world where the Road lies.

Where is this Road we are to walk? When we come to Christ in repentance and receive salvation, we are placed on the spiritual Road by the power of God. While in the spiritual realm, we walk that Road by ourself, but we are never alone. Two very powerful forces are available to us while walking the Road. Jesus, who said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5. Jesus, also said “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Holy Spirit), that He may abide with you forever.” John 14:16.

Sadly, while we, Christians, walk this spiritual Road, we are still living within the confines of a real, tangible world - a world filled with satan and his evil forces. Many of these satanic forces are spiritual themselves (some have physical bodies) and the purpose of their existence is to remove you from the Road into the darkness of sin and rebellion. Even though they generally occupy the spiritual realm, they have significant influence in the real world. Their purpose is to draw us away from God which will remove us from the Road.

On the Road, we have protection from these evil forces. Jesus’s authority, the Holy Spirit’s help and guidance, and scriptural truth that informs us concerning how to reject and repel evil. All contribute to our ability to stay on the Road to eternity. Other Christians have significant influence in our efforts to resist Satan’s effort to remove us from the Road.

Fear not, the Evil One who will make every effort to divert, distort, deceive, mislead, or entrap us into stepping off the Road into his domain of darkness and eternal death.

We are instructed to stand firm in our faith and allegiance to our Savior and Lord. If we do we will not leave the Road that takes us to eternity with God.

Selected Excerpts from the to be published book,
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

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While God spoke, I sensed He reached out and placed His arms around me. I could feel Him holding me. With that touch, numerous sensations raced through my body - sensations never felt before - sensations I wished would never stop. Even if God had not spoken a word, I would have known His full and complete love was coursing through me. It was flowing like a mighty river - cleansing and purifying. He said,

“My son, I have had My hand upon you since you were a babe, and I have been looking after you as any father would his son. Even though you have fallen short of the goal many times, your heart has remained inclined unto Me. This is what I look for in My servants - not how often they fail or win in the battle of life, but is their heart inclined unto Me and are they seeking to please Me.”

After God stopped speaking, I lay motionless on the surface of light. There was no desire to move. I no longer questioned what the light was or where it originated. I now knew.

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