G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

What is the Key that unlocks God’s Treasure Chest?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God


I am good to all My children and desire for them to use that which is rightly theirs. I choose to be kind and benevolent; and yet My children do not take advantage of all I gave them. The key that unlocks My treasure chest is their FAITH. All My children need to do is to submit to Me in trust and do as I suggest through faith. I have taught many lessons and will teach many more; but My children are powerless before the powers of this world, unless they exert faith and trust in Me to accomplish all I said I would. You can tap into all My resources if you only trust Me.

The Key

Faith has been from the beginning and always will be the Key that unlocks the door to My heart. There is no other thing that has so much power as faith. All miracles, all momentum, all power, all authority, all events that will have ever happened.

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

Do we want to be healed? Do we want our prayers answered? Do we want our son or daughter saved? Do we want to see miracles occur in our life? Do we want open doors to swing wide open for us to walk through to receive those things we asked for? Look to Faith?

The Key

The scriptures in John 14:14 says “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” Have we asked God for something and have not received it? We all have. There are reasons for this. It all has to do with our Faith. Do we not have faith? Or is there some other reason our prayer are not answered.

Even though there are reasons for every prayer unanswered, for every request to be denied, and for every desire to be pending, God’s Word is Truth.

A partial solution to an unanswered prayer is within John’s words from 1 John 5:14 “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” According to His will is a significant phrase which can explain many unanswered or unfulfilled requests. If it is not according God’s will, any request, any petition, or any prayer may not even be heard.

Be it so, there are other reasons which will be explained in the next blog.

Selected Excerpts from the to be published book,
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

Previous Blog Post

Was I observing a characteristic of God few people had ever seen or even attributed to be a part of His Glory? Was I really seeing a partial revelation of God's Glorious nature? During the time I was observing this breathtaking display of color, God spoke again. He said,

“My son, there are reasons for everything I do, for My time is too valuable to waste. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And I have given life in the Spirit to many more. I have the mysteries of the universe locked up in My hands. All wisdom can only be attained through My giving.

“An understanding heart is a pleasure to Me, but no one understands My ways, lest I give them the understanding.

“I AM who I AM. And I give to whom I desire.”

After God finished speaking, I continued to enjoy and bask in the colorful display emblazoned around me. I constantly glanced around in order to more fully appreciate this amazing exhibition of color. In spite of the fact that I was caught up in the exhilaration of this marvelous panorama of color, I felt the gentle tug of the Spirit. Relinquishing myself to His voice, I heard these words,

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