G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

What can open the hearts of many?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God

The Hearth

“I have need of no thing for I have made all things. I desire your love to Me for I know it will be good for you. My love for you cannot be quenched. My love is greater than you can comprehend. Live in My love. Absorb it like the sunshine. Don’t let it run off like the rain. Take it in as though it was precious as gold. This can be done by a soft and yielding heart. Take My word for this; for it is truth. For truth is what is needed in this world today. Truth can open the hearts of many and My Spirit has been sent to reveal this to you.”

The Hearth
What do we have to do to increase God's power in us?

“Continue to open your heart to Me so that I might continue to increase My power to you. You control the amount of My blessings that come to you by the amount of your heart that you yield to Me. Yield to Me even more. The more you yield, the less influence satan can or will have over the events of your life. Oppression will diminish and the abundant life will be put in its place.”

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

Having an open heart to God’s Love is very important to having a relationship with the Triune of God (the I AM). This is accomplished through an open heart that is willing to submit or yield to every command of the Father, submission to every teaching of the Word (Jesus as our perfect example), and every prompting from the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.

The Hearth

This truth concerning accepting God’s love and our ability or willingness to submit and yield to all God lays before us to do is missing from most of mankind. This current day of repulsion, where good is evil and evil is good, is growing stronger each day.

What is God’s answer to His Children in this day of rebellion and falling away from God?

Increase Godly power through submission and yielding to Him.

If we strive to have an open heart to God, He will increase our ability to resist and fight off the tendencies to be drawn into darkness. The Satanic influences will have less effect upon our life. Satan will have less oppressive powers and we will become a victorious servant of God

If our open heart (of God’s love and teachings ) takes hold in us through submission and yielding, our power to overcome and defeat satanic influences are enhanced.

“Absorb God’s love like you would the sunshine. Don’t let it run off like the rain”

Selected Excerpts from the to be published book,
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

Previous Blog Post

Curious about the thunder, I lifted my head slightly - just enough to see the living beings had changed position. Instead of kneeling with wings outstretched in front of them, they were standing upright with wings raised so that the tips touched the base of the Throne. Though I heard no sounds, fire from the Throne was utterly engulfing them. They stood motionless while the flames flowed out of the Throne down into their bodies and out into the air before dissipating. I was marveling at the sight when I heard God speak again.

“My son, look closely at the burning flames that surround My Throne of Grace, for they burn with My desire to save.

“Fear me with reverence and respect, for I hold all men’s lives in My hands. Even though none are deserving of My call, I desire to call all men back to Me. I have given each one opportunity for eternal life, because My love and mercy are unmatched in the universe.

“Every person must face the burning power of My mercy which is manifest in My Son, Jesus. His body was a burning fire on the cross to purge all from sin. His purifying power, through the shedding of blood, was a cleansing that no ordinary fire could accomplish. He and He alone is able to cleanse. He and He alone is able to purify. He and He alone is able to save.”

There was a slight pause in what was being said which allowed me to ponder this new information concerning Jesus’ purify power.

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