G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

What Pleases God More Than Any Other Thing?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God


I am Jehovah, the I AM Father and Creator of all. I am worthy to be praised and every lip should be praising Me now. This is not so; but I am pleased with My servants who do spend much time in praise. It is pleasing to Me and I enjoy My children when they spend much time with Me. I am disappointed in some of My servants who have failed to learn of Me enough to know that praise pleases Me more than any other thing - more than service and good deeds, more than prayer. Many are there who need to be taught that praising Me can put life in their spirits and joy into their hearts. There is nothing as pleasing to Me as praise. Praise Me. Praise Me.”

“My children, this day is a day to be praised; for My glory is showing forth. There is no one greater than I - the One who has ever been with My children and ever will be present with them. My children, praise My Name with fervency and love; for I am worthy of all that can be expressed from your lips. Leave not My greatness flee from you; but express your deepest admiration from your heart and spirit as one who is deeply committed to My service. Open up to Me, My children, in praise. For praise to Me is the one thing I desire of My children the most. There is no one thing that please Me more than praise from the deepest recesses of your heart. Never neglect the praises of your heart toward Me and My Son Jesus who has come to save you. Whose body was upon the cross so that you would not have to suffer the death that was due you. Lift up My Son to be equal with Me in all things. My children, praise Me even as I am ever to be praised day and night. Never neglect to praise Me.

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

Why would Praise please God more than anything? You would think God would be pleased with many other things. Praise to God is the one thing He desires of His children the most. Why? Why would praise stick out as something more pleasing to Him than any other thing?

The saving of a soul is certainly tops on His list. He assigns great honor to those who save a soul from hell’s fire. It is obvious that saving a soul pleases God.

God is pleased when His children live righteous lives and Walk in the Spirit. Those who follow Truth (the Word) and repel error or Satanic attacks certainly is pleasing to God.

When someone is totally and completely submissive and yielded to God through an open heart that responds to every command from the Father, every teaching of the Word, and every prompting of the Holy Spirit, God is definitely pleased. Is there something greater than submission and yielding. Yes! Praise?


As we receive God’s love and blessings that are poured out from above, as we recognize them, acknowledge them, and submit to them in an attitude of praise, God will create a higher level of praise within us. That higher level of praise is where we develop a greater appreciation, and a heightened awareness of God during our praise time. God will not be just an obscure, vague something that we are suppose to worship. He will become a bright and distinct force of devotion and appreciation. As we operate in this greater level of gratitude, increased consciousness, enhanced devotion to God through praise, He will respond to us with more of His love and blessings, completing a cricle. A Circle of Blessings or Circle of Praise.

Why does God appreciate Praise more than any other thing? Very simple, as we bless God through our praise, He showers down more blessing upon us

Selected Excerpts from the to be published book,
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

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Then I heard these words come like a mild breeze blowing. They were so soft and gentle I could have missed them if I had not focused my attention on them. They said,

“Never has there been one as great as Jehovah. Never will there be His equal. 

“His Majesty is above all made. His Glory is beyond understanding. Praise ye the Lord - Glory of glories - Holy of holies - Master of masters - the One and Only True God, full of love, full of mercy and kindness - only waiting for His children to come home to Him.

"He has created. He does sustain. And He will bring to a close all things. 

“Praise Him, for His greatness is beyond all you can understand. Where else is there one such as Jehovah? His Might and Power is beyond understanding or comprehension, yet His ways will be made plain to all men someday. That day is only known by Him, and no one need question His wisdom in the matter, for He is all wise and filled with the knowledge of eternity.”

Hearing these words and still sensing God's presence, I yearned to speak forth my own praise for my new awareness of God.

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