G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

What has Jehovah given to Jesus?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God

My Son, Jesus has come in the flesh. He is all powerful and full of My glory. Teach this to My children. They do not give Him his rightful place in their minds; for He is beside Me and equal to Me in all things. This is the way I designed it. And it is the way it is. Think not that I would withhold anything from My Son. He has been given all that I have and all that I am. There is nothing left for Him to receive; for He has received it already.

Praise the name of Jesus. For it is equal with the name of Jehovah and should be praised forever. Praise My Son’s name above every name. Elevate Him to be with Me and beside Me in all things. I have spoken this that you might understand My feelings concerning My Son. Remember this when you tell others of My power and majesty, for His is the same.

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

Do we realize how powerful Jesus is? Yes, we consider Him to be our Savior, our Friend, our Delivered, our Redeemer. Does He have power beside these exclusive attributes? Yes, He has power to perform miracles beyond what any other entity is able to perform. Even Satan, with all his ability to control and dominate the affairs of this world, cannot display the kind of power Jesus can. Simply by using His Name in faith, others can perform feats of significant power - power to heal, restore, resist satan, drive out demons, and many other miraculous works.

Compare these displays of His power with what God, the Father has said about Him. In reality, we do not have a very complete view of who Jesus really is. The Father has given Him all power. In fact, the Father considers Jesus to be equal to Him in all things. The Father has given Jesus all that He has and all that He is. Therefore, we must consider Jesus to be Equal to the Father in all things.

Selected Excerpts from the soon to be published book
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess

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Once the pictures vanished, I again looked toward the lamb. With eyes focused on him, I heard a voice deep within my spirit say,

“Who is there that recognizes the greatest act of love ever performed? Who is there that will praise the lamb for his self-sacrificing love and mercy? Is there anyone who will praise the lamb?”

As soon as the voice ceased, there was a lingering silence. Then the silence was broken by a great number of voices crying out,

“Praise and honor and glory be to the lamb who was and is and ever will be!”

The vocal response to the questions shocked me. Looking around I saw no one else, yet the sound of this multitude of voices surrounded me. Again I heard the same shout saying,

“Praise and honor and glory be to the lamb who was and is and ever will be!”

I twirled around to find the source of the voices, but I saw no one. A third time I heard,

“Praise and honor and glory be to the lamb who was and is and ever will be!”

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