G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

Who Are The Children of Disobedience?

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God

“Hear Me speak about the children of satan - the sons of disobedience. They are throughly evil. They are unable to love or do good. They are deceivers and liars like their father. And they cannot and will not change. Just as I have many sons. Satan has too. He has deceived and lied to the world about his own - making them angels of light. His deception is so complete it is sometimes difficult to tell those that are of the light and those that are of darkness. This is My truth, It is a hard saying. But no matter how much good a person appears to do, if it is done with a dark and deceitful heart, it is not good. For selfishness does not do good to others, only to self. All of satan’s angels of light are selfish and self-centered, only desiring to deceive and turn the children of light to the master of deceit - the evil one - the one who has lied from the beginning and will lie forever more.”

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

Normally when we think of satan, we picture his dark world of spirits. We envision a world of invisible beings or entities who use deceit, deception, and trickery to entice or deceive us into embracing their dark world or draw us away from accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior

The realm of satanic darkness is vast and has many unseen evil entities lurking in the shadows of their darkness to do his bidding through deceit, deception, enticements, and mental or physical harm to lead us into their own evil world. But, there is an area of darkness that has not been disclosed or ‘brought into the light’. Unlike their counterparts who live in darkness, these individuals are visible to us. This form of darkness does not hide in the unseen shadows of mental or physical oppression and possession. This form of darkness is cloaked in the form of a person or persons - someone we talk with - someone we do business with - someone we go fishing with - someone we see on TV.

Not all people are God’s. Not all people we deal with daily are of God. They do not have God’s spirit in them. They originate from satan in a way which we have little enlightenment or knowledge. They are the children of disobedience.

These individuals have been made of and through the evil one. They are truly servants of the evil one and cannot be changed. They are destined for hell; and there is no other course for them. They are evil through and through. They are not, nor ever will be God’s children. They are made of the evil one and by him and through him. They are the children of disobedience and they will never see the light. They are darkness and they can only do evil. If they happen to do good, it is for some nefarious, evil, or depraved reason. They are not God’s, nor can they ever be. For God shall have nothing to do with these children of disobedience.

Since they come to us in human form and interact with us daily, it is difficult to identify them. In fact, on the surface, there is no sure way to tell. Seemingly, there is only one way to recognize them as children of disobedience, tares, or by their works

See next blog for for further understanding and how to identify them. 

Selected Excerpts from the unpublished book
Pathway to the Greatest Thing You Can Possess.

Previous Blog Post

At first, while watching the artist blow, I noticed nothing unusual. Gradually, a faint, narrow beam of light appeared in the artist's breath. The beam’s glow traversed the distance from his mouth to the painting and focused on the man’s chest. The stream of light penetrated into the man and remained focused on him for a brief second. Then it faded from view. I presumed my eyes had been temporarily opened to see what is normally invisible.

Then I felt the soft breeze of the Holy Spirit say,

“For as surely as the earth brings forth its shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring forth, so surely the Lord God will cause rightness and justice and praise to spring forth before all nations. And the people who shall be created shall praise the Lord”

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