G o d ' sS p o k e s m a n

What Do The Elements Have To Do With Last Days And Beyond?

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  • ELEMENTS (Revised & Updated)

All text in Royal Red are actual recorded words from God

Dark Clouds Of Increasing Devastation And Evil

“Hear what I say this day. This day of repulsion which will come in short spurts; it will be bad.”

“These Days of Repulsion will soon be over and the Day of My Son will replace it. That day will be glorious.”

To Contact The Spokesman hs3speak@gmail.com

S p o k e s m a n ’ s C o r n e r

When the above word from the Lord says it will be bad, it not only refers to the Kingdom of Evil. It refers to the earth itself and the other elements of fire, water, and air.

What do the Elements have to do with what will occur on the earth during the Day of Repulsion and the Last Days. Do we think that the elements (floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, firestorms, thunder storms, and multitude of other disasters) are not included in the groaning and travail of the earth?

We are living in a time similar to Paul when he wrote, “For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.” (Romans 8:22 NKJ) Actually, it will be much worse in this Day of Repulsion and most certainly during the Last Days.

When He refers to the whole creation, He is not only referencing humans, animals, fish, birds, and plants, he is referring to the entire creation of the physical earth itself. It is not just about living creatures, but also about the physical world. Since Adam’s fall, the entire world has suffered through cataclysmic event after event that caused pain, distress and destruction.

In the meantime, the elements and their devastating events will continue to increase in power and frequency, awaiting for the coming of Jesus?

This increased power and frequency of weather events will continue through the Days of Repulsion into the Last Days until Jesus comes again. (Second Coming)

Many mistakenly feel man is causing these increases in tragic and disastrous weather happenings. In an effort to avoid continued increases in severe weather, they are attempting to avoid these increases by eliminating current energy sources and replacing it with what they call green energy. Proponents of this green energy thrust of money and time to correct the weather events, have taken on this as a Religion. In previous days it would have been considered Worshipping Mother Earth. Today it is Worship Green Energy that consumes the minds of those who know not that they cannot control what the earth does or will do.

There is no doubt that Evil and Natural Disasters are increasing and getting more powerful and destructive. Just since 2021, significant destructive events have dominated the news and distressed many.

The word for all to remember is that ‘The Earth Will Do What The Earth Will Do!’. It is not political, nor racist, nor is a respecter of persons. ‘The Earth Will Do What it Will Do!’ Man cannot control the earth. Let’s look at few examples.

Florida had hurricanes on both the West and East coast, a 1000 year rainstorm and flooding in South Florida (Miami), and significant tornadoes at is Northern border.

West Coast had significant record rain, snow, and flooding over wide areas, Heavy rains, flooding and tornadoes in Southern California and Los Angeles, and record breaking heat wave in Northern West Coast.

Southern States from Texas to S. Carolina experienced a significant number of severe weather including powerful tornadoes and damage.

Canada has significant (unusual) firestorms affecting millions with air quality concerns in major areas of the United State.

Other areas of USA had unusual record breaking events resulting in damage, destruction and legitimate concerns about what the weather was doing.

  • Earthquakes

  • Hurricanes

  • Tornados

  • Volcanoes

  • Fire Storms

  • Floods

  • Thunderstorms

We should not shutter in fear over what is occurring in the earth - its Kingdom of Evil nor its weather related destructive events. Fear not for the Day of the Son will follow all the evil and destructive forces will soon follow and the glorious days of His reign will come forth.

Our current expectation should be that Evil and the Elements shall grow stronger every day until the man of sin is revealed. See more about this in the next blog WITHHOLDS

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